For possibly the most part, all of us have been acting that Facebook already owns WhatsApp. We have even been caught with that slip up. But, the purchase hasn't actually been finalized yet, so Facebook doesn't yet own WhatsApp. (A similar goes for Lenovo buying Motorola from Google, which a number of you inside the comment section seem to become confused about.) But, Facebook has crossed another hurdle today.
The European Commission regulators gave its stamp of approval to Facebook's purchase plans. The deal wasn't expected to operate into any issues, and this did not. The EC was convinced the mobile messaging space is in no danger of running into monopoly situations. The approval cited the existence of Line, Viber, iMessage, Telegram, WeChat, and Google Hangouts as competitors, which users are inclined to use a lot more than one app to contact others. The approval even notes that " launching a brand new app is fairly easy and doesn't need significant a serious amounts of investment. "
There remain one or two more regulatory bodies that really need to approve the deal before It's finalized. Although, there are not expected to become any major hold-ups when in a process, but a $19 billion deal is bound to bring a little time for them to pass with the various approval processes.